

Discover the natural power of Colostrum Forte – our dietary supplement capsules rich in nutrients and immunoglobulins that can help your body fight off infections and promote development.

“Use the elemental force of nature”

Colostrum is the first milk that mammals, including cows and humans, produce after birth and is often referred to as first milk or beest milk.


Colostrum is rich in nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and immunoglobulins, the proteins that can help your body fight off infections. Cow colostrum and human colostrum have an almost identical composition, although cow colostrum has a higher concentration of immune factors because calves are born without their own immunity.


In addition, colostrum contains natural growth factors that support the development of the newborn.


  • Provides you with important nutrients
  • Supports your immune system
  • Boosts your infection resistance
  • Supports natural growth





Nachdem ein Kälbchen die beste Milch der Welt von seiner Mutter getrunken hat, dürfen wir Menschen vom Überschuss profitieren. Diese Milch, auch Colostrum oder Erstmilch genannt, stammt von glücklichen Kühen aus dem Allgäu.

Mit 30 % Immunoglobulin stellen Antikörper eine sehr wichtige Komponente unseres Immunsystems dar, weil Sie durch Bakterien, Viren oder Pilzen verursachte Infektionen wirkungsvoll bekämpfen. Dabei sind die im Colostrum der Kuh enthaltenen Immunglobuline auch für den Menschen nutzbar.

inkl. MwSt. 7 %

Natürliche Abwehrkräfte




Novazellum ist ein innovatives Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, das auf jahrelanger Forschung und Entwicklung basiert. Unsere einzigartige Formel enthält Aphanizomenon, einen leicht resorbierbaren Cocktail an Nährstoffen, der mit Grüntee-Extrakt und wilden Heidelbeeren kombiniert wird, um deine Zellen vor oxidativem Stress zu schützen.

Ergänzt wird die Rezeptur mit Vitamin D3, das eine wichtige Rolle beim Prozess der Zellteilung spielt und auch an der Erneuerung und Regulierung der Zellproliferation beteiligt ist. Zudem enthält Novazellum Telomerase, ein Enzym, das dazu beiträgt, dass die Telomere, welche die Enden der Chromosomen schützen, erhalten bleiben.

inkl. MwSt. 7 %

Food supplement | Made in Germany

Rich nutrients

Colostrum Forte provides a variety of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and immunoglobulins, which are important for the health and well-being of the body.

Support of the immune system:

The immunoglobulins in colostrum can help strengthen the immune system and help the body fight off infections.

Natural growth factors

Colostrum contains natural growth factors that can promote the development of the body.

What our customers say

Steven B.

“I am thrilled with Colostrum Forte! Since I have been taking these supplement capsules, I feel healthier and more energetic overall. I also had fewer problems with colds and infections, which I attribute to the strengthening effect on my immune system. I can recommend this product to anyone who wants to improve their health and well-being.”

Susanne S.

“I tried Colostrum Forte due to problems with my gastrointestinal tract. I have found that it has helped regulate my digestion and alleviate my discomfort. I’m glad I found this product and will definitely continue to use it.”

Svenja W.

“I ordered Colostrum Forte from this company and was thrilled with the quick delivery via UPS. The package arrived in less than 48 hours, which I found really impressive. I also had a few questions about the product and contacted customer service who was very helpful and friendly. Overall, my experience with this company and their product has been very positive and I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a quality colostrum product.”

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